實用短語:a rose leaf 玫瑰花瓣
實用例句:This tree has green leaves throughout the year. 這樹終年常青。
我們來學習一個關于leaf的習慣用語:turn over a new leaf。
Turn over 在這里是指“翻轉”,即“整個翻轉過來”的意思。大家知道,樹木每年春天都要翻出新芽,這樣到了夏天才看起來生氣勃勃!turn over a new leaf 正是從這個意思發(fā)展而來,樹木翻出(turn over )新的葉片來(a new leaf),不正是一個嶄新的開始嗎?
因此,To turn over a new leaf means to change the way you behave and become a better person,也就是“痛改前非,改過自新”。很多時候,我們用它來表示“開始新的人生,譜寫新的篇章”。
例句:The thief was determined to turn over a new leaf once he was released from prison. 那盜賊下決心, 一旦獲釋便重新做人。