Miriam Goldstein studies the North Pacific Garbage Patch
Miriam Goldstein: People like to say the ocean is downhill from everywhere. Everything ends up in the ocean eventually, if it, you know, doesn’t wash up or go someplace else. So people in Iowa who are throwing things into the rivers, that’s gonna end up in the ocean.
You’re listening to Miriam Goldstein, of the Scripps Institution of
Oceanography in San Diego. She is studying the now
infamous garbage
patch in the North Pacific
gyre in the Pacific Ocean.
Miriam Goldstein: In the case of the North Pacific gyre, everything that falls off the west coast of North America and the east coast of Asia will probably end up stuck in there if it doesn’t sink or decompose.
Goldstein’s team has
towed nets across the ocean to collect and analyze the tiny bits of plastic accumulating there. She said the plastic is impacting ocean ecosystems, though she doesn’t yet know to what extent.
Miriam Goldstein: This plastic is providing a surface for animals that would not naturally live in the middle of the ocean and it might be transporting them across where they would not normally go.
In other words, creatures like
barnacles and
anemones are hitching rides from the shore to the middle of the ocean. As these creatures continue to arrive in great numbers, said Goldstein, they might be altering the ocean’s food web. Goldstein said all of us can help prevent this – even those who live in the middle of a continent – by properly disposing of plastic.