
            • 吸血鬼記》等熱門美劇獲得續(xù)訂

              訂了5部美劇的下一季。[/cn] [en]Those now guaranteed to return on the 2014-2015 schedule are:[/en][cn]在2014-2015年你一定能看到以下美劇的新季更新:[/cn] [en]The Vampire Diaries[/en][cn]吸血鬼日記[/cn] [en]Reign[/en][cn]風中的女王[/cn] [en]Arrow[/en][cn]綠箭俠[/cn] [en]Supernatural[/en][cn]邪惡力量[/cn] [en]The Originals[/en][cn]初代吸血鬼[/cn] [en]“This season we’ve had great success with our new hit series The Originals paired with Supernatural, giving us our best Tuesday nights in years,” said CW prez Mark Pedowitz in a statement.[/en][cn]“今年的秋季檔我們有非常棒的新劇《初代吸血鬼》和《邪惡力量》搭檔,撐起了最佳周二檔,”CW總裁Mark Pedowitz說。[/cn] [en]“The Vampire Diaries is No. 2 in its time period in the young adult demos, and with Arrow continuing to gain among young men, and Reign growing its time period, we now have strong nights on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I’m very pleased to announce early pickups for all five series, and let our fans know they’ll have more great drama to look forward to next season.”[/en][cn]《吸血鬼日記》是年輕人最愛的第二大時間檔,這部劇和《綠箭俠》一起獲得了很多年輕人的喜愛,而《風中的女王》正在慢慢成長,我們現在有非常不錯的周二檔、周三檔和周四檔。我很高興向大家宣布我們續(xù)訂這5部美劇,讓我們的觀眾知道他們下一季將會有更多值得期待的好劇上演。[/cn]

            • 《初代吸血鬼》:美劇俚語學不停

              氣了。[/cn] 俚語是美國人生活中使用得最頻繁的,它們往往比較新潮,容易為年輕人所接受的,所以掌握一定量的俚語對于直接聽懂外國人的話,理解英美國家電影對白是很有好處的。所以,這里向大家介紹一些常用的俚語,讓大家感受一下美國人的說話方式! piss off:生氣;pissed off:生氣的 [en](1).You'd better stop that!You're pissing me off.[/en][cn]你最好別那么干!你在讓我生氣。[/cn] [en](2).Don't piss me off.You wouldn't like me when I am angry.[/en][cn]別惹我生氣。我發(fā)起火來可不是好惹的。[/cn] 與piss off類似的還有freak out,在一些美劇中也能經??吹剿?,Freak out有以下幾種解釋與用法: (1)嚇壞了,嚇人,使......震驚(make sb scared/shocked)。例句:You freak me out! 你嚇死我了! (2)害怕,驚慌,緊張(panic; be anxious)。例句:Don't freak out, it's not the end of the world. 別害怕,還沒到世界末日呢。 (3) 失去控制,發(fā)瘋(lose control, out of one's mind)。例句:I hate a messy closet. I totally freak out when my closet is messy and I can’t find anything.我討厭凌亂的衣櫥,當我發(fā)現我的衣櫥凌亂而且找不到衣服時,我會抓狂的。 (4) 變的很興奮或很情緒化(to become very excited or emotional)。例句:Her?voice just freaked me out. 她的聲音讓我震驚了。 up&knock off [en]Right.You're that werewolf girl my brother Klaus knocked up.I was expecting to see some kind of supernatural miracle baby bump.Guess you're not showing yet.[/en][cn]你就是懷了我哥哥Klaus的孩子的狼女,我還想著會看到超自然的神奇大肚子呢,看來還沒有顯懷。[/cn] 在劇里,knock?up 有一點少兒不宜的意思,大家懂的哈,英語君就在這里講講knock off的其他意思: knock off在口語中,有時可以解釋收工下班,例如: [en]Julie,I‘m going to knock off work early this afternoon.Last night I worked overnight to get the work done.[/en][cn]Julie,我今天要早點下班,因為我昨晚加班了。[/cn] knock off 有時也可以解釋為“很容易完成某事”,例如: [en]Alice really has a talent,she can knock off a new album at least once half of a year.[/en][cn]Alice確實有天賦,她大家分享了《初代吸血鬼可以輕而易舉半年內出一張專輯。[/cn] 看完英語君的分享,送你們一束花吧,喜歡嗎? 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考,如有不妥之處,歡迎指正

            • 吸血鬼記》Caroline接受采訪:隨時準備死亡

              就是吸血鬼日記題材的電視劇的看點,如果所有人都知道這個秘密又有什么意思呢?劇情需要有些蒙在鼓里的不知情人士。而最有意思的就是預想一下如果這些人發(fā)現真相那又會是怎樣的情況。我很期待編劇的決定。[/cn] [en]Kevin Williamson has revealed that no one is safe going into the end of the season. What are your thoughts on the impending Vampire Diaries death(s)? [/en][cn]Kevin Williamson透露說在本季的末尾沒有誰是真正安全的。你對《吸血鬼日記》中上演的死亡戲碼有什么看法?[/cn] [en]Day one of us all getting to Atlanta, we were very [wv]plainly[/wv] told that we’re on a vampire show and characters will be killed off — that’s just the [wv]premise[/wv]. So it’s been in the back of our minds, but. There are always going to be more job opportunities, but we’ve been really [w]fortunate[/w] with the people we have had the opportunity to work with.? When you’re part of a series, you become such a close-[wv]knit[/wv] family — it’s been almost two years that we’ve been working together. It’s sad and difficult, but at the same time we know that it’s coming — although we really don’t know who it’s going to be. We feel the anticipation just as much as the audience does. [/en][cn]在我們來到亞特蘭大(該劇在此拍攝)的時候,我們就被清楚地告知我們在《吸血鬼日記》中扮演的角色將會死亡——這是前提。所以我們都清楚明白。我們還遇到了許多其它的工作機會,但是我們感到很幸運能和現在的同事們一起工作。當你是這個劇中的一員時,你也就成了這個緊密團結的家庭中的一員——我們公事已經有兩年了。雖然很難接受也很難過,不過我們都知道它(死亡)即將降臨——雖然我們不知道下一個會是誰。我們和觀眾們一樣充滿了期待。[/cn]

            • 吸血鬼記》第三季:又一位吸血鬼祖先即將登場!

              [en]We still have far too long to wait until The Vampire Diaries returns on January 5 - but at least we now have a juicy [w]nugget[/w] to contemplate during this [w]hiatus[/w].[/en][cn]現在離《吸血鬼記》1月5的回歸期還有很久——但是停播期間的劇透永遠是最勁爆的。[/cn] [en]As first reported by Michael Ausiello, the series

            • 吸血鬼記》第七季Bonnie的那些完美瞬間

              [en]With the news that someone is getting killed off “The Vampire Diaries” in the final season — [w]straight[/w] from the lips of Kat Graham herself — we’re more nervous than ever that Bonnie Bennett might meet her end.[/en][cn]自Kat Graham親口說她在《吸血鬼

            • 吸血鬼記》第八季Caroline和Stefan怎么發(fā)展?

              ][cn]Caroline和Stefan在《吸血鬼記》第七季季終集里終于在一起了。但是現在他們要一起從新反派手下救出他們的朋友,在這樣的情景下這對CP還能繼續(xù)好好的發(fā)展他們的戀情嗎?[/cn] [en]According to the stars, absolutely![/en][cn]據演員們透露,絕對沒問題。[/cn] [en]"I definitely have to make out with Candice a bunch, so I guess the answer's yes," Wesley tells . "They go through

            • 吸血鬼記》Stefan的吐槽:為什么SC要結婚!

              [en]On Friday, Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline (Candice King) are finally getting married.[/en][cn]上周六的《吸血鬼日記》中,Stefan和Caroline終于結婚了。[/cn] [en]Yet despite the fact that this wedding is eight years in the making, Wesley still doesn't quite understand what the hubbub is about.[/en][cn]雖然這場婚禮等了8年,Wesley還是直言不諱的表示,并不懂這是什么鬼。[/cn] [en]"It's funny because I had heard about this June wedding for the first time at Comic-Con. I had no idea what everyone was talking about. I still kind of don't really know what it's about," Wesley told reporters at a screening on Wednesday. "But apparently, the fans talk about a June wedding. So when they first told me they were going to have a June wedding, I was like, 'Oh, cool. We're going to pay homage to the fans.'"[/en][cn]“其實有點好笑,我第一次聽到這場婚禮是在動漫展上。當時我都不知道大家在說什么,到現在我也吸血鬼日有點懵不知道發(fā)生了什么,”Wesley接受采訪時表示?!安贿^現在粉絲們都在討論這場婚禮。所以我第一次聽到有這么一場婚禮的時候,我的反應就是‘啊,好吧。觀眾喜歡就好?!盵/cn]

            • 吸血鬼記》妮娜與錘弟被爆傳戀情


            • 吸血鬼記》Nina&Ian復合有望

              [en]"The Vampire Diaries" couple, Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev, are "getting hot and heavy" again off-screen following their real-life breakup. The insider says the hook-up is still too fresh to suggest a full [w]reconciliation[/w] is on the way.[/en][cn]早前已經分手的《吸血鬼記》情侶Ian Somerhalder和Nina

            • 吸血鬼記》男主演正式離婚

              到了自己當初買房時自己出的1萬美元。[/cn] [en]Also being split up are their collection of vehicles. Wesley keeps the Prius, Audi Q5 and Triumph Bonneville, while DeVitto keeps the Audi A4.[/en][cn]財產分配也涉及了他們的車,Wesley拿