
            • 比爾·蓋茨慈善演講:關注非洲,改變世界

              Bill Gates on mosquitos, malaria and education 每年的TED(TED為:科技technology、娛樂entertainment、設計design的縮寫)大會都會聚集全球卓越的思想家,就科學、藝術、政治、全球性問題、建筑、音樂等各個領域的問題進行交流。今年比爾·蓋茨也受到了大會的邀請,在"重啟(Rebooting)"環(huán)節(jié)進行了精彩的演講。有意思的是,蓋茨在大會會場上散播了一些蚊子,他稱,"沒有理由只是讓窮人體驗被蚊子攻擊的滋味"。? Bill Gates hopes to solve some of the world's biggest problems using a new kind of philanthropy. In a passionate and, yes, funny 18 minutes, he asks us to consider two big questions and how we might answer them. Bill Gates is founder and former CEO of Microsoft. A geek icon, tech visionary and business trailblazer, Gates' leadership -- fueled by his long-held dream that millions might realize their potential through great software -- made Microsoft a personal computing powerhouse and a trendsetter in the Internet dawn. Whether you're a suit, chef, [w]quant[/w], artist, media [w]maven[/w], nurse or gamer, you've probably used a Microsoft product today. In summer of 2008, Gates left his day-to-day role with Microsoft to focus on [w]philanthropy[/w]. Holding that all lives have equal value (no matter where they're being lived), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has now donated staggering sums to HIV/AIDS programs, libraries, agriculture research and disaster relief -- and offered vital guidance and creative funding to programs in global health and education. Gates believes his [w]tech-centric[/w] strategy for giving will prove the killer app of planet Earth's next big upgrade. "When Gates looks at the world, a world in which millions of preventable deaths occur each year, he sees an irrational, inefficient, broken system, an application that needs to be [w]debugged[/w]. It shocks him -- his word -- that people don't see this, the same way it shocked him that nobody but he and [Paul] Allen saw the [w]microchip[/w] for what it was." -Time 【四級班點擊這里報名】 【六級班點擊這里報名】 蓋茨在演講中呼吁人們重視非洲。瘧疾每年造成了大量的兒童死亡,二十世紀初時,瘧疾曾經(jīng)是一種全球性的疾病,后來人們發(fā)現(xiàn)用奎寧可以治療瘧疾,到了二十世紀70年代,這一疾病在溫帶地區(qū)基本被消滅。但是,非洲國家對此沒有引起應當?shù)闹匾暎矝]有足夠的資金來開展這樣的項目。? 每年全世界大約有超過270人死于瘧疾,其中75%是非洲兒童。盡管瘧疾已經(jīng)在大多數(shù)國家絕跡,不過這種病毒仍然在貧窮的非洲及亞洲國家蔓延;這些國家主

            • 世界首富短暫易主!亞馬遜CEO超越比爾蓋茨

              過了900億美金。原本大約在20年前,貝索斯就已進入億萬富翁之列,如今他成為過去30年中第六個獲得世界首富稱號的人。[/cn] [en]Bezos’ rise demonstrates just how [w]formidable[/w] Amazon has grown to become. Founded in 1994, Amazon has reshaped the world of retail in the US and in many other countries after originally launching as an internet book store.[/en][cn]貝索斯的崛起恰好說明了亞馬遜的發(fā)展有多驚人。亞馬遜創(chuàng)立于1994年,最初從一家線上書店起步,如今它已改

            • 世界首富也有遺憾 蓋茨后悔沒學二外

              [en]The world's richest man might seem to have it all, but Bill Gates has one regret. The self-made [w]billionaire[/w] said he felt stupid for not knowing any foreign languages.[/en][cn]世界首富比爾·蓋茨看上去似乎是坐擁萬千,但是他有一個遺憾。這名白手起家的億萬富翁坦言,他覺得自己不會一門外語真是大大的失策。[/cn] [en]Speaking in his third Ask Me Anything question-and-answer session for online forum Reddit, the Microsoft founder revealed that he wished he spoke French, Arabic or Chinese.[/en][cn]在在線論壇Reddit上的“隨便問我點啥”的問答環(huán)節(jié),他回答了這第三個問題,這名微軟創(chuàng)始人坦言,他希望他會說法語、阿拉伯語或是漢語。[/cn] [en]He said: 'I took Latin and Greek in high school and got A's and I guess it helps my vocabulary.[/en][cn]他說:“我在高中的時候選修過拉丁文和希臘語,并拿蓋茨到了A的好成績,我猜這對我的詞匯量很有幫助。[/cn] [en]'I keep hoping to get time to study one of these - probably French because it is the easiest. I did Duolingo for a while but didn't keep it up.'[/en][cn]我希望繼續(xù)有時間學習其中一門語言——可能是法語,因為法語最好學。我有一陣子用Duolingo語言學習應用學過,但是沒堅持下去?!盵/cn] [en]Gates, who is worth $79.3billion, praised Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for stunning an audience in Beijing when he spoke fluent Mandarin.[/en][cn]身價793億美金的蓋茨,贊揚了臉書的創(chuàng)始人馬克·扎克伯格——用一口流利的漢語讓北京的觀眾驚艷四座。[/cn] [en]He said: 'Mark Zuckerberg amazingly learned Mandarin and did a Q&A with Chinese students - incredible.'[/en][cn]他說:“馬克·扎克伯格學習了漢語真是太驚奇了,而且難以置信,他還和中國學生進行問答?!盵/cn] [en]During the session yesterday, the 59-year-old said that he loves BBQ sauce but avoids it before TV appearances because he tends to spill it, his biggest splurge is having a private jet and he enjoys Indian and Thai food.[/en][cn]在昨天的問答環(huán)節(jié),59歲的蓋茨說,他很喜歡燒烤醬,但是在電視上露面之前他不會吃,因為他會灑出來,他最值得炫耀的就是有一架私人飛機,而且他喜歡印度菜和泰國菜。[/cn]

            • 蓋茨論道 上Twitter加開網(wǎng)站雙管齊下

              起到了領頭羊的作用。 Throughout the site, Mr. Gates's opinions show his overarching belief that more t[w]echnological[/w] innovation, some of it government-led, can cure many of the world's ills. 相關閱讀: 比爾?蓋茨:寫在年度信之前>>

            • 比爾蓋茨玩惡搞:百變夸張造型求關注


            • 比爾?蓋茨2017夏季書單:5本看起來都好有趣

              有的貧困階層。 本書的作者 J.D. Vance 是耶魯法學院的高材生,不過他的出身卻很貧寒:從小被父母拋棄,跟著祖父母長大,生活環(huán)境極其艱難。 這本書不光是本傳記,它通過故事這個媒介,探討了“貧窮”這整個概念背后的文化背景。 ~ ? 好,這就是比爾·蓋茨今年給出的5本書, 可以看出,這里面即使是傳記書也將重點放在了哲學層面,而不單單只是故事。 ? OK,今天就借這個機會來講講 philosophical 這個詞 當我們在中蓋茨文中談到“哲學”這個概念的時候,大部分人都覺得它講的就是“生、死、人生的終極意義”之類的。 其實這樣的認識不太準確,放在英語環(huán)境中就更是如此。 英語中 philosophy 最根本的意思是:對本質(zhì)的探討。 the study of general and fundamental problems 而這并不僅僅局限于生死大義什么的;對一門學科的存在價值的探討、對教育的意義的探討,都是“哲學”的范疇。 即使你只是寫了一篇文章來探討自己為什么需要學習,那這篇文章也是哲學文章,是 philosophical 的。 ? 那么,我們來造個句子吧~ [en]It's nice to study something philosophical once in a while. But if you keep talking about it everywhere, usually it only shows people how?[w]shallow[/w]?you are.[/en][cn]學點哲學的東西是不錯,但如果你走到哪都要拿出來談,那通常只能讓人明白你有多么膚淺。[/cn] ? 聲明:本文系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。本文僅代表作者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

            • 比爾?蓋茨夫婦2014斯坦福大學畢業(yè)演講

              比爾·蓋茨夫婦日前出席斯坦福大學第123屆畢業(yè)典禮并致辭,他們在致辭中鼓勵畢業(yè)生,不管是在逆境還是在順境,都要保持樂觀的心大膽往前走,和創(chuàng)造自己的人生。 Stanford University. BILL GATES: Congratulations, class of 2014! (Cheers). Melinda and I are excited to be here. It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at a Stanford commencement, but it's especially

            • 比爾?蓋茨:寫在年度信之前

              蓋茨都會撰寫一封年度信,其中涵蓋了他對比爾和梅林達?蓋茨無關的。(你同樣會在基金會官方網(wǎng)站上找到與基金會有關的話題。) In many ways, the Gates Notes is an extension of the Annual Letter. I will write some about foundation-related topics as well as work that isn’t [w]relate[/w]d to the foundation. (The foundation-related posts will appear on as well.)    與年度信如出一轍,我開設網(wǎng)站的初衷也是想誠懇地探討那些我所關心的事件。同時我也衷心希望,人們會收獲到一些有用的想法和信息,以此來幫助大家找到解決問題的方法。 My goal for the website