
            • 《權力的游戲》最新季回歸,首集收視破紀錄

              to?The?Hollywood Reporter.[/en][cn]權力的游戲第七季首集創(chuàng)下該系列收視新高,有線電視觀眾達1010萬。此前,權力的游戲每年更新一季,今年播放時間延遲了三個月,但據《好萊塢報道》(The?Hollywood Reporter)稱,權力的游戲勢頭依舊迅猛。[/cn] [en]According to HBO, “Dragonstone” beat last year’s season 6 finale (which had 8.89 million viewers) for the title of most watched?Game of Thrones?episode

            • 《權力的游戲》第5季:布蘭不會出現

              向外透露,Hodor、Bran、Meera將不會出現在第五季中?!稒嗔Φ挠螒颉分破薉avid Benioff和D.B. Weiss向外界確認,Bran這條三眼烏鴉的故事線在第六季前不會出現。[/cn] [en]"It made sense to stop where we did. He's now entering a training period which is going to take quite some time, much of which isn't particularly [w]cinematic[/w]. So rather that being stuck in a cave for a year, we figured it would be interesting to leave him out for a little bit," Benioff says. [/en][cn]“我們這樣的決定是有道理的。Bran現在正權力的游戲》第五季處在練習階段,雖然不會被拍出來。我們認為在山洞里練習的這一年會讓故事變得更有意思,”Benioff說。[/cn]

            • 《權力的游戲》原作者:七季不夠!

              [en]"Game of Thrones" showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have made no secret of the fact that their goal for the HBO series is to have it done in seven seasons. But author George R.R. Martin hopes that is an aspiration they don't stick to.[/en][cn]《權力的游戲

            • 《權力的游戲》第五季開始寫劇本了

              到了不少關注,原因是他在電視劇中編寫的Tyrion Lannister第四季第六集審判庭爆發(fā)一段太精彩。在這一段頗受好評的同時,Bryan也表示給《權力的游戲》寫劇本事件挺恐怖的經歷。[/cn] [en]“I’m terrified all the time,” Bryan tells the Hollywood Reporter. “You’re talking to me now as we’re writing Season 5

            • 《權力的游戲》第三季:長城之外的野人之王

              出演《權力的游戲》第三季中的重要角色Mance Rayder。[/cn] [en]The news marks the second actor to join Thrones‘ third season from Rome. Tobias Menzies (who played Brutus) was recently cast as Edmure Tully, the younger brother of Catelyn Stark, who has has become Lord of Riverrun in the wake of his father’s death.[/en][cn]這是《權力的游戲》第三季官方發(fā)布的第二個新加入成員。第一個新加入角色是Tobias Menzies扮演的Edmure Tully,Catelyn Stark(史塔克夫人)的弟弟,在他們父親死后Edmure繼承他的爵位和權力。[/cn]

            • 《權力的游戲》第四季是龍母的主場?

              [en]HBO is looking far into the future.[/en][cn]HBO電視臺高瞻遠矚。[/cn] [en]With Game of Thrones Season 4 first set to premiere on April 6, the series has already given a promotion to Nathalie Emmanuel.[/en][cn]《權力的游戲》第四季將會在北京時間4月7日開播,不過在開播之前劇組就已經決定把Nathalie Emmanuel升級為常規(guī)演員了。[/cn] [en]If When the network

            • 《權力的游戲》第八季,開拍時間定啦!

              一到第六季每季有10集,而第七季只有7集。[/cn] [en]Previous reports have claimed these will all be bumper sized, around the hour and a half mark, but this remains unconfirmed by HBO. The release date for season eight also remains unconfirmed, with hints that the series may be delayed until 2019.[/en][cn]之前的報導稱,劇集會加長至約一個半小時,但沒有得到HBO的確認。同時第八季的上映時間也還未公布,但有小道消息說也許會推權力的游戲》第七季遲到2019年。[/cn] [en]Meanwhile, the season seven [w]finale[/w], due to air next week, will be the show’s longest ever episode, totaling over 80 minutes. GOT is available on NOW TV in the UK and HBO GO in the US. [/en][cn]現在第七季的最后一集將會在下個星期上映,會是目前為止放映最長的一集超過80分鐘?,F在可以在英國的Now TV 和HBO的網絡平臺上觀看。[/cn] (翻譯:林潯鷗) 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內容,轉載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

            • 布蘭確認回歸《權力的游戲》第六季

              認了這個消息,他扮演的布蘭·史塔克將會回歸第六季?!拔也荒芡嘎短啵俏覚嗔Φ挠螒驎诒炯净貧w,而且布蘭的故事會非常精彩,”他說?!八梢杂锰厥獾囊暯强吹胶芏嘤腥さ臇|西?!盵/cn] [en]Wright added that he hasn't seen any of the fifth season - he was too busy with exams -- and no, he doesn't know if Jon Snow is alive, either.[/en][cn]Wright表示自己還沒來得及看《權力的游戲》第五季——他最近在忙于考試——所以他也不知道Jon Snow已經死了。[/cn]

            • 《權力的游戲》第五、第六季獲續(xù)訂

              [en]Following the series-high ratings for "Game of Thrones'" Season 4 premiere, HBO announced that the fantasy series has been renewed for Season 5 and Season 6.[/en][cn]《權力的游戲》第四季開播收視就破紀錄,HBO電視臺宣布續(xù)訂這部美劇的第五和第六季。[/cn] [en]This is great news for showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, who have long made it clear that this show has a planned seven-season lifespan. If the series keeps building its audience the way it has, there is little to no doubt that "Game of Thrones" will reach that end point.[/en][cn]對于這部劇的制作人David Benioff和D.B. Weiss來說,這是個好消息,他們之前預計這部劇應該會拍7季。如果這部劇繼續(xù)保持現在這種良好的趨勢,《權力的游戲》拿到一個滿意的結局是沒什么壓力了。[/cn] [en]"'Game of Thrones' is a phenomenon like no other," HBO president of programming Michael Lombardo says in a press release. "David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, along with their talented [w=collaborator]collaborators[/w], continue to surpass themselves, and we look forward to more of their dazzling storytelling."[/en][cn]“《權力的游戲》和其他劇不一樣,它引導了一種現象,”HBO節(jié)目總裁Michael Lombardo在新聞發(fā)布會上說?!癉avid Benioff和D.B. Weiss以及他們的團隊將會繼續(xù)超越自己,我們非??春眠@部劇的劇情和發(fā)展?!盵/cn] [en]"Game of Thrones" airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on HBO.[/en][cn]《權力的游戲》將會在每周日晚9點在HBO電視臺播出。[/cn]