英語面試常見問題回答及答案匯總>> [en]1. Tell me about yourself?[/en][cn]1.向我介紹一下你自己。(回答
出自己的品質非常重要,會為你得到這份工作加分。[/cn] [en]The best way to respond is to describe the skills and experience that directly [w]correlate[/w] with the job you are applying for.[/en][cn]描述直接與面試工作相關的工作技能和經驗,這是最好的回答方式。[/cn] [en]Sample Answers:[/en][cn]示范回答:[/cn] [en]1. When I'm working on a project, I don't want
以我做了這份報告,以期為提高公司的服務做出一份貢獻?!盵/cn] [en]7. “has a?[w]pragmatic[/w]?approach to things. I don’t waste time talking about?theory or the latest buzz words of the bullshit bingo. Only one question?matters to me: ‘Does it work or not?’”[/en][cn]7. “能實際解決問題的人。我不會花時間空談理論或者講些時髦的話。只有一件事情讓我關心:‘這可行嗎?’”[/cn] [en]8. “takes work?[w=ethic]ethics[/w]?very seriously. I do what I am paid for, and I do it?well.”[/en][cn]8. “非常注重職業(yè)操守的人。我做雇主付錢讓我做的事,并且做到最好?!盵/cn] [en]9. “can make decisions rapidly if needed. Everybody can make good?decisions with?[w]sufficient[/w]?time and information. The reality of our domain?is different. Even with time pressure and high stakes, we need to move?forward by taking charge and being decisive. I can do that.”[/en][cn]9. “在需要的情況下,可以快速做決定的人。在給予充分的時間和信息的情況下,每個人都能做出好的決定。但現(xiàn)實世界卻不是如此。即使是有壓力和風險,我們也必須小心地權衡,做出向前的決定。我能
面試英語是面試比較難的一關,下面小編分享英文面試常見問題及答案,歡迎閱讀借鑒。 1. Tell me about yourself. 面試要讓面試官覺得你是為了討好面試官而言過其實,這樣只會適得其反。 5. Why did you leave your last job? 跳槽的原因可能是上一份工作非常糟糕,但是面試并不是適合抱怨的場合。千萬不要對現(xiàn)有或是過去的雇主或同事進行這樣的評論: "I didn't agree with the company's direction." "I got no recognition for my work." "My boss was totally unreasonable." 我們建議要從自身發(fā)展的角度出發(fā)來回答: "I love my last job and really learned a lot from it, but I need a new platform and bigger space to make my career successful." 總之,要讓面試官知道,以前的公司在你的眼中并非一錢不值,你是懷著感激來評價他們的。
2022-11-22 -
要有個基本的了解。 【回答范例】 >>I really like the job description and the working duties on this position. I believe to be a perfect match for the job and a potential asset for your team. That’s why I submitted my application. I have similar working experience too… I decided to apply because I really like the vision of your company and the career growth possibilities. I can use my full potential at this position and help your company to grow and prosper. >>Question 3: Why did you leave your last job? / Why are you planning to leave your present job? 問題3:你為什么離英語面試技巧,但是,大家對它的運用可能還是不太熟悉。今天,小編為大家準備了相關的面試開上一家公司?/你為什么想離開現(xiàn)在的公司? 回答這個問題的時候切記一點:不要詆毀之前的公司或者同事,你應該多說一說對于未來的展望,而不是糾結于過去。 【回答范例】 My last job was not challenging enough. I was not motivated to wake up to work anymore. I liked my colleagues and boss, but I simply can’t keep myself motivated anymore. Based on the job description I really believe that I can find new motivation and challenges in your company. There was a downsizing in our company. Similarly to most people from financial department, my contract was terminated. However, it is the past. I am ready to utilize all the knowledge and experience I gained there to start my new career, possibly in your corporation. 怎么樣,看完了這篇文章,大家是不是對英語面試常問題及正確回答方式有了初步的了解了呢?喜歡就趕快收藏起來吧~
2017-11-23 -
[en]Answer tips[/en][cn]回答技巧[/cn] [en]You always answer: Yes. Then explain?[w]briefly[/w]?the reason why.?A perfect reason includes a long-term goal in 3 – 5 years that you have achieved.[/en][cn]回答
不要立刻回答這個問題,因為你自己建議的薪資可能過高或過低。[/cn] [en]? Before answering, ask for description for the job; the goals, the difficulties and how to assess the working performance.[/en][cn]在回答之前,問清楚工作內容、目標、困難,以及工作的方式方法。[/cn] [en]? You can also give the answer via email after the interview.[/en][cn]面試之后,你也可以通過電子郵件給與答復。[/cn] [en]? Do not answer this question too generally or too safe, the interviewers like numbers. You can answer in a certain range, but you need the job requirements before giving the exact number.[/en][cn]回答這個問題的時候,不要過于簡單或過于考慮安全性,面試官喜歡數(shù)字。你可以在回答的時候給出一個范圍,但是在給出精確薪資之前必須弄清楚工作要求。[/cn] [en]3. Answer samples[/en][cn]3.示范回答[/cn] [en]1. I don’t care very much about salary. What means more to me is the policy and working environment the company is offering and supplying me with.[/en][cn]1. 我對工資并不是太看重。對我來講,公司制度和工作環(huán)境更回答重要。[/cn] [en]2. I look up to salary not to make ends meet, but to enjoy my life. I’m afraid I am not the one who only concerns about paying bills but not others. Therefore, when I look for a job, I expect a high consideration which suits my ability and goals.[/en][cn]2. 我希望自己的收入和支出不是剛好相抵,生活要舒適。而且,我不是一個只關心各種花銷賬單而不關心其它事情的人。因此,找工作的時候,我希望薪資可以高一些,符合我自己的能力以及目標。[/cn]
做好的事我會沒日沒夜的做,做好后我會很高興自己按時完回答成了工作。[/cn] [en]5. I can [w]normally[/w] work in a few nights or weekends of overtime through the month if required to meet some deadlines. I hope projects are scoped and scheduled in such a way that overtime and nights are not a common requirement.[/en][cn]5. 通常來說要趕進度的話,我可以晚上或周末加班。我希望項目能安排得好些,不需要經常徹夜加班。[/cn] [課程推薦]