2011-07-15 -
當(dāng)寬恕為懷,然則以先生之本份而言,唯有拒見其人,拒聞其名耳。’這就是他所謂的基督寬恕精神!下面寫的都是關(guān)于他親愛的夏綠蒂的一些情形,他們快要生小孩了。怎么,麗萃,你好象不樂意聽似的。我想,你不見得也有那種小姐腔,假裝正經(jīng),聽到這種廢話就要生氣吧。人生在世,要不是讓人家開開玩笑,回頭來又取笑別人,那還有什么意思?”[/cn] [en]"Oh!" cried Elizabeth, "I am excessively diverted. But it is so strange!"[/en][cn]伊麗莎白大聲叫道:“噢,我聽得非常有趣。不過這事情實(shí)在古怪!”[/cn] [en]"Yes
2011-07-23 -
2011-07-14 -
2011-06-28 -
2011-07-11 -
【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第四十八章 (下)
車把她送到第一站,然后趁便接主人回來。[/cn] [en]Mrs. Gardiner went away in all the [w]perplexity[/w] about Elizabeth and her Derbyshire friend that had attended her from that part of the world. His name had never been [w]voluntarily[/w] mentioned before them by her niece; and the kind of half-expectation which Mrs. Gardiner had formed, of their being followed by a letter from him, had ended in nothing. Elizabeth had received none since her return, that could come from Pemberley.[/en][cn]嘉丁納太太走了以后,對伊麗莎白和德比郡她
2011-07-06 -
【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第四十七章 (上)
are naturally lively enough. And we all know that Wickham has every charm of person and address that can [w]captivate[/w] a woman."[/en][cn]伊麗莎白眼睛里涌起了眼淚說道:“說起來真是駭人聽聞,一個人居然懷疑到自己親妹妹會不顧體面,不顧貞操!可是我的確不知道該怎么說才好。也許是我冤枉了她。她很年輕,又從來沒有人教她應(yīng)該怎樣去考慮這些重大的問題;半年以來──不,整整一年以來──她只知道開心作樂,愛好虛榮。家里縱容她,讓她盡過些輕浮浪蕩的日子,讓她隨便遇到什么事情
2011-07-03 -
太有個女兒比我的女兒先嫁出去,浪搏恩的財產(chǎn)從此就得讓人家來繼承。的確,盧卡斯一家手腕才高明呢,弟婦。他們都是為了要撈進(jìn)這一筆財產(chǎn)。我本來也不忍心就這樣編派他們,不過事實(shí)的確如此。我在家里既然過得這樣不稱心,又偏偏碰到這些只顧自己不顧別人的鄰舍,真弄得我神經(jīng)也壞了,人也病了。你可來得正是時候,給了我極大的安慰,我非常喜歡聽你講的那些……長袖子的事情。”[/cn] [en]Mrs. Gardiner, to whom the chief of this news had been given before, in the course of Jane and Elizabeth's correspondence with her, made her sister a slight answer, and, in compassion to her nieces, turned the conversation.[/en][cn]嘉丁納太太遠(yuǎn)在跟吉英以及伊麗莎白通信的時候,大體上就已經(jīng)知道了她們家里最近發(fā)生的這些事情,又為了體貼外甥女兒們起見,只稍微敷衍了班納特太太幾句,便把這個話題岔
2011-06-08 -
【經(jīng)典名著閱讀】《傲慢與偏見》第四十六章 (下)
加有自知之明。現(xiàn)在千恩萬愛都已落空,她倒第一次感覺到真心真意地愛他。[/cn] [en]But self, though it would intrude, could not [w]engross[/w] her. Lydia -- the [w]humiliation[/w], the [w]misery[/w], she was bringing on them all -- soon swallowed up every private care; and covering her face with her [w]handkerchief[/w], Elizabeth was soon lost to every thing else; and, after a pause of several minutes, was only recalled to a sense of her situation by the voice of her companion, who, in a manner, which though it spoke compassion, spoke likewise [w]restraint[/w], said, "I am afraid you have been long desiring my absence, nor have I any thing to [w]plead[/w] in excuse of my stay, but real, though [w]unavailing[/w], concern. Would to heaven that any thing could be either said or done on my part, that might offer consolation to such distress! -- But I will not torment you with vain wishes, which may seem purposely to ask for your thanks. This unfortunate affair will, I fear, prevent my sister's having the pleasure of seeing you at Pemberley today."[/en][cn]她雖然難免想到自己,卻并不是完全只想到自己。只要一想到麗迪雅給大家?guī)淼膼u辱和痛苦,她立刻就打消了一切的個人顧慮。她用一條手絹掩
2011-07-02 -