看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第七集(1) 太巧了
? 看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第七集 【劇情介紹】 Penny沒交電視費,跑到Leonard家看
看生活大爆炸學英語第一季第四集(1) 你們倆很般配
看生活大爆炸學英語第一季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon媽媽回憶Sheldon小時候的種種趣事,無意提起Leonard和Penny很配, Leonard和Penny尷尬地否認. MARY: Anyway, when he went on the internet to get some, a man from the government came by and sat him down real gentle and told him it's against the law to have yellow cake [w]uranium[/w] in a [w]shed[/w]. Penny: Well, what happened? MARY: Well, poor boy had a fit, locked himself in his room and built a [w]sonic[/w] death ray. LEONARD:A death ray? MARY: Well, that's what he called it. it didn't even slow down the neighbor kids. Heh. It pissed our dog off to no end. MARY: You know, you two make a cute couple. LEONARD: I-- No, no. No, we're not a couple. We're singles. Two singles. Like those [w]individually[/w] [w=wrap]wrapped[/w] slices of cheese or we are friends. MARY: Did I [w]pluck[/w] a nerve there? HOWARD: Oh, yeah. MARY: Okay. All right, everybody, it's time to eat. Oh, Lord, we thank you for this meal and for all your [w]bounty[/w]. And we pray that you help Sheldon get back on his rocker. MARY: Now, after a moment of silent [w]meditation[/w], I'm gonna end with "in Jesus' name". but you two don't feel any [w]obligation[/w] to join in.Unless, of course, the Holy Spirit moves you. 【口語講解】 1 against the law違法.遵守法律常用abide by law或comply with law. 2 Have a fit大發(fā)脾氣 3 piss sb off惹某人生氣的常用表達, to no end無止境的. 4 pluck a nerve. pluck:采,拉?nerve:神經,我是不是踩到地雷了?我是不是說錯話了. 5 Oh, Lord, we thank you for this meal and for all your bounty.禱告前說的一句話, 主啊,感謝您賜予我們晚餐及您所有的恩賜。與日本人飯前習慣說いただきます一樣 6 get back on one’s rocker.回到正軌,重新振作.go off one's rocker:變得精神錯亂.變得精神恍惚. 7 feel obligation to有責任有義務做某事. ?
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第二集(1) 別犯傻了
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第二集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon四人參加了一個以文藝復興主題的集會, Sheldon又開始老毛病發(fā)作, 對這對那吹毛求疵,正好在樓道遇上PENNY和新男友, 頓時氣氛尷尬起來. PENNY: You guys, this is my friend Eric. Hello. LEONARD: So,yeah, good to see you. PENNY: Yeah. Yeah. It's good to see you,too. We should probably go. Bye,guys. ERIC:I like your hat. HOWARD
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第十三集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon帶Kripke一起回家吃飯,還向大家宣告一個決定---他不得不放棄一位朋友,大家似乎都爭著希望被放棄,但是最后Raj出局了,是因為種族歧視嗎?Sheldon的想法可不是常人理解的哦,看他怎么損Howard的^;^ SHELDON: Hello,everyone. I brought my new friend Barry Kripke home for dinner. KRIPKE: Hello to you,too. LEONARD: How was rock climbing? KRIPKE: He passed
? 看生活大爆炸學英語
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第八集(3) 規(guī)矩又不是我定的
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第八集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard跟Howard此前的約會對象好了, Howard對此表示很生氣,而Leonard說要給他介紹女孩子后,他立馬諂媚起來. Howard的無心之失竟然意外發(fā)現火星上有生命存在,而Howard 卻不能take credit for it,悲劇啊... LEONARD: Oh,hey,guys. SHELDON:Hello. LEONARD: Hi, Howard. Howard? HOWARD: Sheldon SHELDON: Howard is employing a schoolyard [w]paradigm[/w
看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第六集 【劇情介紹】 Howard丟下Raj去追美女害得Raj輸掉了風箏,Howard買來Hello kitty的風箏哄Raj開始,囧Raj說我輸掉的那只可是正宗的帕唐風箏,我花了三天時間才完成的,你買個Hello kitty就想打發(fā)我?這段對話感覺像是小兩口在吵架. RAJ: It's open. HOWARD: Hey,pal. RAJ: What do you want? HOWARD: I brought you a little gift. New kite. RAJ: The kite you made me lose was an authentic
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第五集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard因工作原因不能載Sheldon去上班, Sheldon只好求助于Penny. 可憐的Penny不僅沒有懶覺睡, 還要忍受Sheldon一路上“唧唧歪歪”,最后實在受不了直接把Sheldon丟在路邊… PENNY: Well,good for Leonard. SHELDON: Euclid Avenueis shorter as the crow flies,but it has speed bumps, which appreciably increase point-to-point drive time,making
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第十二集(3) Sheldon腦子進水了嗎
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第十二集 【劇情介紹】 見識到Kripke 機器人的厲害后, Sheldon還不死心說要把Monte打造地更強,結果他只是幫Monte換了電池而已, Kripke給機會讓Sheldon認輸,但是貌似Sheldon也是字典里沒這兩個字的人,硬磕到底了,結果…很慘… RAJ: But,Sheldon,we don't have a chance.The only improvement you were able to make on the robot was to put fresh batteries in the remote. SHELDON: What you