滬江英樂:《晚秋》根據李滿熙導演1966年的同名電影改編而成,影片以美國西雅圖為背景,講述兩名男女在異國他鄉(xiāng)的愛情故事。本在監(jiān)獄服刑的安娜(湯唯 飾)因母親過世獲得三天假期,七年來首次踏上歸家之路,并于長途汽車上邂逅了勛(玄彬 飾)。不夠車錢的勛用手表做抵押借了安娜的錢,約定到西雅圖再見。一個是弒夫假釋的女犯,一個是專門“吃軟飯”的情場騙子,兩個互相隱瞞了身份的陌生人就這樣在邂逅中漸生情愫,在短短三天內談了一場浪漫戀愛。

Bruno Pilloix & Alyse Pilloix《Snow》


Blindingly white and so clean
Sparkling bright like a dream
Transform reborn (Come outside and see)
So pure I'm sure (Come like you're the green)
Can you feel the magic in the air floating

lalalala lalala

Tree glistening like the sun (It's real in the wonderland)
They start to ring walking alone(It's real in the wonderland)
Transform reborn (Come outside and see)
So pure I'm sure (Come like you're the green)
Transform reborn (Come outside and see)
So pure I'm sure (Come like you're the green)?