

New York City


In the Scott household, the Thanksgiving traditions have never waned; they've just changed a bit. Although I now live in New York City, I never spend Thanksgiving away from the farm. Instead of at my grandparents' farm, it is now at my own farm in Virginia. Both my wife and I love to cook and we try to do extra special things on the holidays. In addition to our old traditional family favorites, we've added a molded tomato salad, an extremely rich sweet potato casserole, and a heavenly coconut and mandarin orange salad. But no matter how much the menu changes, no matter if we are serving roast goose instead of roast turkey or Southern pecan pie instead of apple, the sentiment remains the same.
在Scott的家里,感恩節(jié)的傳統(tǒng)并沒有消退,只是有了一點改變。雖然我現在住在紐約,但我并沒有讓感恩節(jié)離開農場,只是由原來的祖父母的農場變成了現在我在Virginia的自己的農場。我的妻子和我都喜歡烹飪,并且會嘗試著做一些特別的東西來慶祝節(jié)日。除了舊傳統(tǒng)里家人喜歡的食物外,我們還增加了蕃茄沙拉,和非常豐富的甘薯燉菜,極好的椰肉和柑橘沙拉。不管菜單改變了多少、我們是否將烤火雞改成了烤鵝肉、將蘋果派改成了核桃派,那份留存在心里的情感都是一樣的。 ——譯文來自: mannywang927