《識骨尋蹤》第五季 猜猜誰來當新娘
2010-02-18 20:05
Here comes the bride! Bones will host a big wedding in May. “One of the four women in our cast will be getting married,” says exec producer Hart Hanson, who (with a little prodding) narrowed the candidates down to these couples:
新娘子來咯!五月份的《識骨尋蹤》即將引來一場盛大的婚禮。編劇大人Hart Hanson透露說:“咱劇組主要角色的四個女人當中,有一個要結婚了?!边@一頗具暗示的劇透讓粉絲們的猜測集中到了四位常駐角色身上。
Booth & Brennan “It would take a lot to get there, but it’s conceivable,” says Hanson. Really? When I was on set, I observed a kiss between David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel—but it was a behind-the-scenes smooch on the cheek celebrating their 100th episode. The only way a wedding could happen is if they were undercover in a wedding chapel or, as costar Tamara Taylor (Camille) says, “in another alternate universe.” After fans rebelled over last season’s dream-sex finale, I doubt they’d play us again.
首先,男女主角Booth和Brennan,難道他們這季最后會結婚么?Hanson說:“對他倆來說,結婚的道路是曲折的,但也不一定就是不光明的。”真的假的?。坎贿^TV Guide小編在片場的時候還真的有看到男女主演David Boreanaz和Emily Deschanel親過一下哦——雖說只是幕后花絮,還是在慶祝100集的派對上,香了下臉頰。他們倆要真的扮婚禮,除非是在教堂扮臥底吧?或者,如扮演Cam的Tamara所說:“還是在異度空間里頭?!鄙弦患敬蠼Y局的夢里恩愛戲差點鬧得粉絲們發(fā)飆,估計不敢再故伎重演吧?
Angela & Hodgins “Angela and Hodgins almost made it down the aisle at the end of the second season. They realized Angela was already married to Berimbau and then broke up,” says Michaela Conlin (Angela). “Although Wendell is turning out to be more than a roll in the hay, Angela is very in love with Hodgins and will eventually end up with him.” I agree and am placing my bets on them! If her character married Wendell, she says, “Fans would probably be upset, and I’d also be a bit bummed.”
接著就輪到配角Angela跟Hodgins這倆了。扮演Angela的Michaela Conlin自己都說:“他們倆第二季最后就已經進了禮堂,但是想起來說Angela曾經在旅途中嫁給了Berimbau,幾經波折之后倆人分手了。雖說現在Wendell同學不是因為一時沖動談戀愛的對象,可歸根結底呢,Angela還是深深愛著Hodgins,他們倆最終一定會喜結連理的?!贝蠡飪憾及褜氀涸谶@對身上,Michaela還說,要她演的角色最后嫁給了Wendell,“不但粉絲們會翻臉,我自己都會小不爽咧?!?/div>
《識 骨尋蹤》原創(chuàng)學習美劇使用口語學習筆記
Daisy & Sweets “These two are a hot-and-heavy couple,” says Hanson. Maybe, but this newbie intern is hardly May sweeps bride material.
Camille & Mystery Man “Cam will be meeting a love interest this season,” says Hanson. This comes as welcome news to Tamara. “Cam hasn’t had a date in years, so it will be interesting to see how ungraceful she is falling in love,” Tamara says. “But I don’t think I’m the bride.”
《識 骨尋蹤》原創(chuàng)學習美劇使用口語學習筆記
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