I'm extremely well-connected.
well-connected 人脈深遠

He might rise to the occasion.
rise to the occasion 應付自如 to succeed in dealing with a difficult situation

Or she could re-create JFK's shooting so we can rule him out,right??
rule out 把…排除在外

Here we go.
here we go 又來了

It's a piece of cake.
piece of cake 小菜一碟
So I used the fact that Mr. White was eavesdropping on us to sow the seeds of discord.?
eavesdrop 偷聽,監(jiān)聽

you want to try me instead of some bigmouth scientist,huh??
bigmouth 大嘴巴,管不住嘴

I'm gonna need some science jibber-jabber to distract these guys.?
jibber-jabber 碎碎念

Because you have forbidden us from taking samples in order to estimate the osteoconductivity of the oblique taphonomic remodeling pertaining to the mid-sagittal plane, encelphalametric transaction or translation, if you will,of the intermatrix can be deduced by correlating the force-displacement values with the osteogenic- and eogenic-hydrogel- nanocomposite we placed inside the surrogate.
偉大的編劇啊,這么一段臺詞是怎么寫出來的?偉大的Emily Deschanel同志啊,這么一長串話是怎么背下來的?別為難柒讓咱翻譯這么曲折離奇的話了……

Booth,does,does this have anything to do with the fact that your ancestor was a famous assassin? John Wikes Booth
John Wilkes Booth是刺殺林肯總統(tǒng)的刺客,居然是Booth他們家祖先!面部結構上看……不像啊~~~

For future reference,you might want to inform your bosses that we don't do half-truth here.
For future reference 為了作為今后的參考,簡寫FFR
There are loose ends.?
loose end 懸而未決的因素 a detail that is left unsettled, unexplained, or incomplete

The big man always comes through. Always.
come through 挺過來
Man,you Butch Cassidy'd 'em.?
Butch Cassidy是《神槍手與智多星》里的一個角色,直接用他的名字指代他的行為,挺常見的一個用法。

Oh,that was totally ninja. May be some anger issues there, but you kicked ass.?
ninja 忍者
kick ass 打得落花流水

I've been speaking with Mr. White here from the General Services Administration, and we've come to the conclusion that any reports we all write should be carefully worded. As in,there shouldn't be any words in there.?

Just saying,to each their own.
to each their own 也能說成Each to their own人各有好
to each their own就是"青菜蘿卜,各有所愛"的意思,經常用在雙方意見不統(tǒng)一,求同存異的情況下。

Bones 5.12觀后感
? ?1. Best Episode Ever!!! 非常意味深長的一個案子,只是柒也不可說,you know why~~~難得一見的打戲頻頻,Booth同學偶爾一追捕實在太帥鳥!
?? 2. 猛然發(fā)覺Cam和Hacker很搭……囧雖然柒也不愛他的禿頭,畢竟這也是一容易糾結的好人,這倆湊一塊兒的話,幽默指數(shù)想必不小……期待一下
?? 3. Hodgins, you are the sweetest guy!!! 咱已經看到了乃們倆復合的曙光了,哦耶,最后手挽手走開的畫面忒老夫老妻了……
?? 4. 至于B&B,這集里面的小表情太多了,碎碎念完的Bren被Booth夸了那一臉得意喲;然后Booth射擊非常準她又那個一臉自豪哦;接著說錯話在后面追著彌補,那個一臉后悔呀;后來的那個"guy" hug,某只被她感動壞了;而最后,awwwwww,Bren乃真是超好呀……最后能不能補充一句,六個人排排坐實在很讓柒想到老友記……
?? 5. 下集Booth他弟攜女友歸國,估計有個大動作了。Jared同學乃一定要刺激下你哥,嗯嗯~~~Bones識骨尋蹤5.12劇情預告 研究所關禁閉
