9. This is actually evidence, not some mumbo jumbo from a deck of Tarot cards.
mumbo jumbo 令人混淆而無意義的事物
a deck of 一副(撲克牌)
Tarot cards 塔羅牌

mumbo jumbo通常用于諷刺那些毫無本質的通篇大論。

10. A sweet, kick-ass FBI murder solver with hard fists and a lion heart?
kick-ass 強大的

11. Because if you crack that shell, and you change your mind, she'll die of loneliness before she ever trust anyone ever again.

插播歌曲時間。這集真簡便,直接拿了客串出演的Cyndi Lauper的歌,不過這位一把年紀了居然還能一副清亮歌喉真不容易!點此收聽>>

12. I got to get this to my people so they can find out the manufacturer and all that hooey.
hooey 胡言亂語

13. Avalon Harmonia is her professional psychic name.
Avalon是凱爾特神話中的仙境,傳說中亞瑟王的安葬地;而Harmonia則是希臘神話中掌管聲樂和諧 的女神。為什么起這么個名字呢?飾演神婆的Cyndi Lauper有過一張專輯就叫做Sisters of Avalon,上面那首插曲Fearless就是出自這張專輯。

14. She got you.

15. On my way. You bet.
You be 的確,當然
you bet作為句子的結尾表示確定,口語里面非常常用。

16. It rankles me; I'm rankled. I suppose this whole time you thought your sister was living in a Yellow Submarine?
Yellow Submarine是披頭士的經典歌曲《黃色潛水艇》,Caroline實在是非常語出驚人。

17. I have to abide by the letter of the law.
abide by 遵守(法律)

18. Cam ratted me out.
rat out 出賣

19. Just lit up like the 4th of July.
