如果你以為上周末轟轟烈烈的《越獄》就是該劇的最后謝幕,那就大錯特錯了!雖然??怂闺娨暸_出于碟片銷量的考慮準備將特別篇收錄DVD發(fā)行,但海外發(fā)行方卻相對自由得多了。沒錯,下周《越獄》兩小時特別篇就將在英國Sky 1電視臺播出,上演“最后的飛越”。

越獄全劇華麗落幕 米帥T-Bag談結(jié)局

Yes that’s right. Prison Break is not finished! The double episode ‘Season Finale’ which aired on Sunday in the USA and tonight on Sky 1 in the UK is not the last episode.

There is another double episode still to come!

For some reason Sky have been incredibly bad at advertising this in the UK. Less surprising that Fox have not mentioned it as they don’t have the rights to show it, so of course it’s in their interests to bill the penultimate episode as the ‘Season Finale’.

【劇透慎入】《越獄》全劇大結(jié)局 各角色不同下場大匯總




Let me explain, without ruining it for people that have yet to see tonights episode on Sky 1. The episode does what Prison Break does best and is actually by far the best in a pretty disappointing season IMO. The episode ends 4 years in the future with the death of a major character. But we have no idea how or why they died.

People who watched the ’season finale’, did you not wonder what had happened? Not feel like you were missing a pretty vital part of the whole shows storyline? Considering it was supposedly the last episode ever?
