Scene: The supermarket.

Sheldon: This is great. Look at me, out in the real world of ordinary people, just living their ordinary, colourless, workaday lives.

Penny: Thank you.

Sheldon: No, thank you. And thank you, ordinary person. Hey, you want to hear an interesting thing about tomatoes.

Penny: Uh, no, no not really. Listen, didn’t you say you needed some eggs.

Sheldon: Uh, yes, but anyone who knows anything about the dynamics of bacterial growth knows to pick up their refrigerated foods on the way out of the supermarket.

【釋】It means sth ordinary, not very interesting.
【例】 This is a significant shift from her normal workaday world.
【例】Their vacation provided a welcome change from their workaday life.

you want to hear an interesting thing about
【釋】 hear about sth means to be told about sth?
【例】Do you want to hear an interesting thing about your dad?
【例】Hey girls,you want to hear an interesting thing about wearing makeup?

生活大爆炸S01E04 MJE美劇筆記:車禍的計算法則


作者@MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟(胡澤鵬精注 番茄審校)