Leonard: Oh, I’ve got it. How about if we replace panels A, B and F and crossbar H with aircraft grade aluminium.

Sheldon: Right, then the entire thing’s one big heat sink.

Howard: Perfect, Leonard, why don’t you and Sheldon go down to the junk yard and pick up about six square metres of scrap aluminium, Raj and I will run down to my lab and get the oxy-acetaline torch.

Leonard: Meet back here in an hour?

Howard: Done.

Leonard: Got it. (They all leave).

Penny: Okay, this place does look pretty good.

【釋】aircraft 航空;grade級別。航空級別的(必應,下同)
【例】aircraft-grade aluminum

Heat sink

【例】Thieves had noticed how much Chinese steel demand had bid up the price of scrap metal.

上一期:生活大爆炸S01E02 MJE美劇筆記 Leonard的道歉
