2012-06-07 13:27
1.Rut? I think you mean consistency. And if we're going to abandon that, then why even call it Thursday? Let's call it "Quonko Day" and divide it into 29 hours of 17 minutes apiece, and celebrate it by sacrificing a goat to the mighty god Ra.
2.Just pick out anything? Maybe at the same time we can pick out a new suit for him without knowing his size, or pick out his career for him without knowing his aptitude, or pick out his breakfast cereal without knowing his fiber requirements, or his feelings about little marshmallows.
3.More wrong? Wrong is an absolute state and not subject to gradation.
4.That's preposterous! I do not resemble C-3PO. Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered, I just don't see it.
5.What exactly does that expression mean, "friends with benefits"? Does he provide her with health insurance?
6.You know, I'm given to understand that there's an entire city in Nevada designed specifically to help people like Howard forget their problems. They can replace them with new problems, like alcoholism, gambling addiction and sexually transmitted diseases.
7.I'm curious about the whole social construct. On its face, the idea of satisfying one's sexual appetite -- assuming one is afflicted with such -- without emotional entanglement seems eminently practical. What I've observed, however, is Howard Wolowitz crying like a little girl.
8.Okay, I'm sleepy now, get out.
9.Smell that? That's the smell of new comic books. Oh, yes!
10.You have to check your messages, Leonard. The leaving of a message is one half of a social construct, which is completed by the checking of the message. If that contract breaks down, then all social contracts break down, and we descend into anarchy.