Samurai Jack, in particular, was created by Genndy Tartakovsky and premiered back in 2001 on Cartoon Network, where it ran for?a total of 52 episodes over four seasons. During its three years on the air, the series won 4 Primetime Emmy Awards, 6 Annie Awards and 1 OIAF Award for its story. Finally, next month (after?a thirteen-year break), Jack will be back for one final season to close out the series once and for all.
《武士杰克》這部劇由Genndy Tartakovsky主創(chuàng),在2001年首次播出的動(dòng)畫(huà),前四季一共拍攝播出了52集內(nèi)容。本劇在播出的三年期間,曾憑故事情節(jié)斬獲4座艾美獎(jiǎng)、6座安妮獎(jiǎng)和一座OIAF獎(jiǎng)。結(jié)束了13年的休息之后,下個(gè)月《武士杰克》將會(huì)演出其最后一季,向觀眾道別。

Season 5 on Adult Swim will be all about?Jack finding his way back to the man he was before.
在Adult Swim播出的《武士杰克》第五季是關(guān)于找到他的初心的。

Samurai Jack season 5 premieres as part of?Adult Swim on March 11th, 2017.
