A baby girl in the US, born with HIV, appears to have been cured after very early treatment with standard drug therapy. That’s according to a US doctor who treated the baby.
The child from the US state of Mississippi is now two and a half years old. She has been off medication for about a year with no signs of infection. But more testing is needed to see if the treatment would work for others as well. The treatment was given beginning within hours of birth of the baby. If the girl stays healthy, it would be the world’s first account of an infant having a "functional cure." Speaking at a news conference, a doctor from the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center says the baby girl’s cure is significant.
Dr. Deborah Persaud, HIV Researcher of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, said, "Well with science you’re probably never 100 percent certain. But I would say given what we’ve learned about how HIV replicates in children, what therapy does to the virus, and using the most sensitive tests that we have today, and even the clinical criteria that when you use standard viral load testing there’s no replicating virus in this child, to the best of our knowledge that’s a definition, and that’s why we’ve used ’functional cure’ because really this is just a short time period."