
In 2006, the Finnish Heavy-metal band Lordi took over the Eurovision Song contest when they won the competition with their song “Hardrock Halleluja”. Some other notable Finnish Heavy metal bands and artists are Nightwish, Apocalyptica, Ensiferum, HIM, Amorphis and Children of Bodom.
2006年,芬蘭重金屬樂隊洛迪樂團(Lordi)憑借《Hardrock Halleluja》(《重金屬哈利路亞》)這首歌贏得了歐洲視覺歌唱大賽的冠軍。芬蘭其他著名的重金屬樂隊和藝術家有Nightwish(夜愿), Apocalyptica(金屬啟示錄), Ensiferum(圣劍), HIM, Amorphis(不定形物)和Children of Bodom(博多之子)。



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