諸子百家指的是中國古代先秦至漢初大量涌現(xiàn)并繁榮發(fā)展的各個學派的總稱。春秋戰(zhàn)國時代是從奴隸社會向封建社會轉變的時代,涌現(xiàn)出了眾多哲學家和哲學流派,紛紛著書立說,相互論戰(zhàn),形成“百家爭鳴”的局面。1 這一時期也被稱為中國哲學的黃金時代。在眾多哲學流派中,最著名的是儒家、墨家、道家、法家。后來,秦王朝的崛起和隨后的“焚書坑儒”宣告了這一時代的結束。至漢武帝吋,推行“罷黜百家,獨尊儒術”的政策,于是以孔子、孟子為代表的儒家思想成為正統(tǒng),統(tǒng)治中國思想與文化兩千余年。2
The Hundred Schools of Thought refers to the various schools of thought that emerged and flourished during the period from pre-Qin times to the early Han Dynasty of ancient China. The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period witnessed the transition from slavery society to feudal society. There emerged a large number of philosophers and philosophical schools, who wrote books to advertise their thoughts and debated with others. This phenomenon is called the Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought. The era is also known as the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy. Most well-known among the many schools were Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, and Legalism. This era ended with the rise of the Qin Dynasty and the subsequent burning of books and burying of scholars. By the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu promoted the policy of rejecting the other schools of thought and respecting only Confucianism. As a result, the? ? Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius became the orthodox thought which dominated Chinese ideology and culture for over 2,000 years.
1.? 本句內(nèi)容多,句子長,采用分譯法,譯為三句?!按呵飸?zhàn)國時代是……的時代”的譯文用了動詞witnessed,地道簡練?!坝楷F(xiàn)出了……”譯作There emerged…,后面是一個帶非限定性定語從句的名詞性短語,自然流暢。“形成‘百家爭鳴,的局面”的翻譯也比較靈活,在譯文中自成一句,增加主語This phenomenon承前啟后,銜接自然。
2. 本句也是長句,采用了分譯法,原因和結果分譯為兩句。這里的“百家”不是實實在在的一百,是虛數(shù),指其他眾多思想派別。因此“百”不宜直譯為one hundred。譯文最后一句用As a result開頭,不僅起到銜接作用,也指明了與上一句之間的因果關系。
四書五經(jīng)是中國儒家的經(jīng)典書籍,是儒家思想的核心載體, 體現(xiàn)了儒家思想的核心價值和思 想體系。1四書包括《大學》、《中庸》、《論語》、《孟子》。明清時期,四書成為科舉考試的核心科目。2 五經(jīng)是儒家作為研究基礎的 五本古代經(jīng)典書籍的合稱,包括 《詩》、《書》、《禮》、《易》和《春秋》。3 西漢時期,儒被國教化, 五經(jīng)也因此變得更加重要,明清時期被用作科舉考試的教科書。 四書五經(jīng)是中國傳統(tǒng)文化的重要組成部分,更是中國歷史文化古籍中的寶典。它在世界文化史、 思想史上也具有極高的地位。4
The Four Books and the Five Classics are the classic books and the main carriers of Confucianism, illustrating the core value and ideological systems of Confucianism. The Four Books include The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and Mencius. They were, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, made the core of the official curriculum for the imperial civil examinations. The Five Classics is a collective name given to five ancient classics which were used by Confucianism as its basis of study, namely The Book of Songs, The Book of History, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes, and The Spring and Autumn Annals. During the Western Han Dynasty, Confucianism was adopted as the state ideology, making the Five Classics even more important. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Five Classics were used as textbooks for the imperial civil examinations. The Four Books and the Five Classics are not only an integral part of traditional Chinese culture but also treasured books of Chinese historical and cultural classics. They also rank very high in the cultural and intellectual history of the world.
1.? 本句原文是并列句,英譯為簡單句,后面用分詞短語作狀語,主次分明,句法嚴謹,表達自然。
2.? 科舉考試相當于封建時代的公務員考試,所以譯為imperial civil examinations。
3.? 本句提到的五經(jīng)和上文提到的四書所采用的譯名,都是國內(nèi)外學界較通用的,宜熟讀成誦。
4.? “具有極高的地位”譯為rank very high,表達自然。注意rank在這里是半系動詞,后面用形容詞high,而不是副詞highly。
孟子又稱孟軻,是戰(zhàn)國時期偉大的思想家、教育家、政治家。 孟子繼承并發(fā)揚了孔子的思想,被認為是繼孔子之后儒家學派最重要的代表。孟子繼承了孔子的德治思想,主張仁政,即對人民“省刑罰,薄稅斂”。1 當權者若無視人民需求或統(tǒng)治殘暴,人民可將其推翻或誅滅。孟子還繼承了孔子的性善學說,主張性善論。2 他認為人天生具備道德意識,可通過內(nèi)省和道德教育去保持和擴充,以免腐化墮落。3 孟子對孔子學說的詮釋、發(fā)展與推廣和孔子學說一樣對中國傳統(tǒng)思想影響深遠,二者的思想被稱為“孔孟之道”。孟子的思想收錄在《孟子》 中,由孟子和其弟子收集記錄?!睹献印肥撬臅缓汀墩撜Z》一樣,是儒家學說的經(jīng)典之一。4
Mencius, also known as Meng Ke, was a great philosopher, educator, and statesman in the Warring States Period. He inherited and developed Confucius’ thought and was identified as the most important representative of Confucianism after Confucius himself. Mencius inherited Confucius’ idea of governing by virtue, advocating a benevolent government which should reduce penalties and taxation toward its people. It is permissible for people to overthrow or kill a ruler who ignores the public’s needs or rules harshly. Mencius also inherited Confucius’ teachings of innate goodness of human nature, asserting the innate goodness of the individual. He argued that human beings are born with an innate moral sense, which could be preserved and expanded through self-examination and moral cultivation to avoid being corrupted. His interpretations, development, and spread of Confucius’ teachings became as influential in traditional Chinese ideology as the ideas of Confucius himself. The thoughts of these two great thinkers are referred to as the "Doctrine of Confucius and Mencius”. Mencius' teachings were recorded in the book Mencius, which was collected and recorded by Mencius and his disciples. Mencius is one of the Four Books, Just like The Analects of Confucius, Mencius is one of the classics of Confucianism.?
1.? 本句有一些具有中國文化特色的詞匯,如“德治”“仁政”,可分別意譯為g idea of governing by virtue,a benevolent government。此外,“省刑罰,薄稅斂”出自《孟子?梁惠王上》,意為減免刑罰,減輕賦稅,“省”和“薄”,其實都是“減少”的意思,所以譯文僅用一個動詞reduce。
2.? 本句涉及儒家的核心學說“性善”,是指人天生是善良的,人的本性是好的,所以譯為 innate goodness of human nature。
3.? 本句后半句是對前面“道德意識”的說明,所以譯文釆用了which引導的非限定性定語從句,句法緊湊。把握英漢兩種語言特點,有助于提高譯文的可讀性。
4. 本句分譯為兩句,第一句突出《孟子》為四書之一。也可譯為Just like The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, one of the Four Books, is a the classic of Confucianism.