






1. Get Your Work in Order
1. 繼續(xù)有條不紊地工作

Remember, even though you’re leaving, all of your colleagues and boss are staying behind. You want them to think well of you once you’re gone. You never know: You could work with them or for them again one day, you might do business with them at some point, or you may want to use them as a reference.

The first step is organizing all the work you have left so that you can finish as much of it as possible before you leave. List all the outstanding projects you have in order of importance and tackle as many of them as you can.

If you leave a huge pile of disorganized, unfinished work for your ex-colleagues, you can be sure they won’t want to do you any favors when the time comes.

2. Don’t Screw Up Your Exit Interview

You might have the urge to tell human resources what you really think of the company during the exit interview, what you really think about your boss and your colleagues and that one guy who doesn’t do anything but waste space. Resist this urge at all costs.

You might think you’re doing some good, but really, the only thing you’re doing is harming yourself. It will feel good at the time to vent, but you will regret it the minute it’s over. Summon the maturity and poise to avoid this big mistake.

Since you’re leaving the company, HR may assume that anything you have to say is clouded by that point of view. So, speak well of your colleagues and the firm, or human resources will think that you lack maturity and if and when the time comes, you won’t be welcome back at the company.

3. Say Goodbye
3. 真誠告別

Write an email to your co-workers telling them that you loved working with them and you wish them luck in the future. Make sure not to send this email to too many people – you don’t need to tell the CEO goodbye unless you worked directly with him or her. And make sure not to leave anyone important out, as they could feel slighted.

You may want to leave your personal contact information at the bottom of the email. If your co-workers have a sticky work question and want to reach you once you’ve gone, this could be helpful.



